Best Prepaid Cellular IoT and M2M Rate Plans

Buy prepaid cellular IoT rate plans for any smart device. These IoT phone plans can be purchased by a small developer or hobbyist who just needs an individual data only plans on a single device. We also supply large scale IoT developers who need prepaid cellular IoT rate plans for thousands of devices.

Businesses love our prepaid cellular M2M rate plans because they can buy data-only plans, with no contract. We offer prepaid M2M Rate Plans on every major US carrier and we give customers the option to buy only the data they need each month. We don’t force developers to pay for huge M2M Rate Plans with 1GB+ data if you only need a few MB. Contact us if you need to buy prepaid cellular M2M rate plans on a large scale. We offer the option to create custom prepaid cellular M2M rate plans if your monthly volume is sufficient.

