All About The Best Cellular Landline Connect on PCS Coverage

Landline Connect by Best Cellular allows you to have a landline type phone (wired or cordless) in your home or office with no contracts and no hidden fees!  No connection to a telephone jack is required. This service works great for mobile businesses or business owners who want to take their landline with them while traveling.

Best Cellular Landline Connect has a built-in battery pack so you can keep talking even if there’s a local power outage!

If you’re on an important call while trying to leave your home or office, there’s no need to hang up and call back on a cell phone.  You can actually unplug your box and bring it with you anywhere like a car phone!

The phone boxes used to power Best Cellular Landline Connect have high transmitting power and an external antenna. This means you get better reception in remote areas where traditional phone lines aren’t available.

Small business owners love this service because it allows them to activate an additional business line on a no-contract plan. They can easily add additional phone lines during busy seasons and cancel them when business slows down.

This is also a great option for seasonal businesses like tax preparation companies (or even a Christmas tree sales lot). Activate service for a few months and just stop paying the bill for the rest of the year.  No contract, credit checks, or cancellation fees! Take a look at either the CDMA Landline Connect or the PCS Landline Connect to get started, available online from Best Cellular.

To Program Your Sprint Landline Connect (PCS) Box

  • **350000# resets it
  • **340000# resets activation
  • **360000# resets PRL
