How do I report network abuse?

You can forward a copy of any SPAM or UCE that you believe was received via the Best Cellular network email directly to: or feel free to contact us using the Abuse Form at:

The questions below request the necessary information needed to pursue an issue with SPAM or UCE.

To report security issues please contact

Best Cellular Abuse tracks SPAM reports based on the subject of the original e-mail. In order to assist us in responding to complaints as quickly as possible, please forward the offending messages with complete headers to If you do not know how to forward messages with full headers, please consult the documentation for the e-mail application that you are using. If possible please include the IP address of the source or the URL of the web site that you believe is responsible for the abuse in the subject line of your e-mail.

Please be aware that the Abuse Department may receive an enormous volume of e-mails. It is impossible for us to respond to all individual complaints. We do, however, vigorously pursue violators of our Acceptable Use Policy.

My company is a victim of a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack or other similar cyber-crime, what should I do?

Best Cellular recommends filing a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) found here. In addition, you can file a report to the Best Cellular Acceptable Use Policy Enforcement team via Please note this Best Cellular team will not contact law enforcement on your behalf.

Where can I find more information about industry best practices to address network abuse?

Best Cellular recommends reviewing published materials from anti-abuse industry working groups such as M3AAWG (Messaging, Malware, Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group) and APWG (Anti-Phishing Working Group).

What is Best Cellular doing to improve network abuse and security?

Best Cellular is continually improving security on their networks through implementation of best practices. Best Cellular is an active participant in many industry forums, and always attempting to ensure the best protection for our networks and customers. We will continue to be active in industry initiatives such as the U.S. Anti-Bot Code of Conduct and other efforts ensuring improved cyber-security.

