“Best Cellular” Is Now Offering Double Data!

Best Cellular is now offering double data!

American MVNO Best Cellular is rolling out double data on monthly plans to offer as much as 10,000MB of 4G LTE Mobile Data on all smartphone plans! Even our basic plans (starting at $15 per month) will be gaining additional minutes of talk. Our goal is to always provide the best value to our customers, and this is just one way we can do that.

BestCellular.com plans are monthly, no-contract phone plans and users can still bring their own phone from another carrier to activate with Best Cellular! Best Cellular also sells devices online and in our retail locations.

Why The Double Data?

We are launching these new plans so that consumers can use their devices the way they want. The updated rates will provide more minutes and more data for both new and existing customers. No more worrying about data just to check Facebook, send a tweet, or upload an image to Instagram.

In the beginning, we started as a very small company with little protection against those who abuse the system. Carrier charges for features like Mobile Data and MMS can be significant, affecting the price for end-users. However, Best Cellular has grown significantly over the past few years. As our subscriber base grows it becomes possible to offer better deals.

New and long-term customers alike get to experience these pricing changes. Many of our users have supported the company when prices weren’t so competitive. (Only a few years ago, our highest data plan was $25.00 more expensive and offered 75% less data!) We appreciate the loyalty and enthusiasm of our subscribers, and we could not have made it this far without them.

How Can You Offer Double Data Now?

This is the fifth price reduction or data increase we’ve been able to offer since the company launched. As we have continued to gain more customers, we have improved the pricing for everyone. We love to share our success!

We also have a ton of loyal customers who have stuck with us and continued to refer their friends and family. They supported us even when we had higher prices and lower data capacity. Our faithful staff also stuck with us through the rough spots. The corporate team has worked tirelessly the last few years in order to improve the Best Cellular service for our subscribers. More Customers = More Buying Power = Lower Wholesale Costs = Lower Retail & Higher Value for you!

As Best Cellular continues to grow, our goal remains the same. We want to offer the Best Cellular plans, rates, coverage and customer service of any company in America. These new rates are a key part of improving our service, and we’re excited to share the news.

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“Best Cellular” Is Now Offering Double Data!

