LoRa Alliance – LoRaWAN and the Internet of Things

LoRa Alliance Non-Profit OrganizationWhat is the LoRa Alliance? LoRaWAN, LPWAN, and the internet of things discussed at Best Cellular. Because Long Range (LoRa) technology enables robust and usable communication, IoT developers are using it more and more.

What is LoRa/LoRaWAN/LPWAN?

LoRa was initially conceived through a partnership between tech companies Semtech, Actility, and IBM Research. LoRa gives developers the ability to implement a standardized specification throughout a system of IoT-connected devices within a LPWAN. Renamed LoRaWAN in 2015, the specification is now managed and promoted via the LoRa Alliance.

A Low-power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) connects IoT devices locally without the need for WiFi or mobile data connections. Consequently different application segments open up for IoT integration. In addition, combining LoRaWAN with pre-existing networking solutions gives IoT devices further reach than ever before.

Why use LoRaWAN for the Internet of Things?

These are just a few of the reasons many Internet of Things developers and companies are supporting the LoRaWAN specification:

  • Bi-directionality – LoRaWAN supports both Uplink and Downlink messaging. This means that LoRaWAN gives users the ability to receive reporting as well as send commands to IoT devices. Developers also use LoRaWAN in tandem with other technology to send firmware updates to devices and control network resource allocation.
  • Security – Data Authentication and End-to-End AES128 Encryption through LoRaWAN provide protection likened to that used within the financial industry.
  • Geolocation – Sometimes IoT devices need to send locational data outside of access to regular means. LoRaWAN tracks device location and roaming using a GPS-free low-power method.

Who is the LoRa Alliance?

The GSMA Mobile World Congress met in Barcelona in 2015 and created the LoRa Alliance as a result of their proceedings. The LoRa Alliance seeks to standardize networking protocols and technologies for devices connected within the Internet of Things. The LoRa Alliance Technical Committee develops the LoRa specification with the help of its corporate members. More and more companies see the value of integration and standardization for the Internet of Things every day. Therefore, this collaborative effort is currently one of the fastest growing business alliances within the communication technology sector.

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LoRa Alliance – LoRaWAN and the Internet of Things

