Free Marketing Course for Affiliates: An Advanced Guide

This advanced affiliate marketing course was created to give affiliates an inside edge on making higher commissions as an affiliate marketer. This isn’t just a free affiliate marketing guide for beginners. Experienced affiliates can find some beneficial tips in this free affiliate marketing course as well. Study this free affiliate marketing course to learn free SEO based strategies.

How To Make More Money As A Prepaid Wireless Affiliate

Study this advanced affiliate marketing guide if you are already selling prepaid wireless products and services as an affiliate but want to make more money or improve conversions. This article is a follow-up to the first article called 8-Steps To Launching A Profitable Affiliate Business. Read this affiliate marketing guide to learn actionable insights. Start building your audience while increasing profit margins as an affiliate marketer.

Our advanced affiliate marketing guide doesn’t require you to know advanced web design or technically difficult coding tricks. Learn where many affiliates fall short. Find areas you could be making a lot higher affiliate commissions while reading this advanced affiliate marketing course.

A top affiliate marketer named Tyson Zahner said in a 2015 affiliate training video, “most affiliates are lazy”. He didn’t say this as an insult to anyone but was simply stating a fact. Do not create a basic site that is poorly written or full of duplicate or spun content.

Create Product-Specific Affiliate Landing Pages

This is hard work but the results are worth it. – Affiliates who create product-specific affiliate landing pages will almost always achieve higher sales and better conversion rates than affiliates who send prospects directly to their affiliate link. Take the time to research and review individual products.

Be Picky When Selecting An Affiliate Program To Promote

  • Promote products and companies that aren’t already saturated with affiliates
  • Read the fine-print – Many affiliate programs offer only 7-day, 15-day or 30-day affiliate cookies.
    Best Cellular offers 90-day affiliate cookies to make sure you get paid when you send us a referral!
  • Stay away from affiliate programs that have a high payout threshold. – The Best Cellular affiliate program offers a low affiliate payment threshold of only $10! (That means you’re eligible to be paid as soon as you earn as little as $10 affiliate commissions!)
  • Pay-To-Join affiliate program scams – There is absolutely no reason an affiliate program should charge you to join their program. When you create great content and earn affiliate commissions, the affiliate program makes money from your referral. (We believe in helping you make as much affiliate commission as possible because when you make money, we do too.)
  • Watch out for affiliate program scams that have no product or service to sell. (Common pyramid scheme).
  • Don’t promote a product or service that you wouldn’t use yourself. – If you actually use the product or service you’re promoting, you can write honest reviews and not just cheesy sales content.

Advanced Affiliate Marketing Tips

None of these tips advanced affiliate marketing tips require a lot of money or a lot of skill but they will require hard work and consistency.

  • Don’t get too spread out. Create a site with a specific theme and a target audience. An affiliate site that focuses on selling cell phones and phone accessories will almost always outperform a site that tries to sell cellphones, scented candles, life insurance and pet supplies. (Focus your efforts).
  • Write unique, well-researched articles about individual phones, accessories or plans. Include your specific affiliate link and an affiliate image of the product in your article.
  • Don’t EVER copy and paste content from another website. (Search engines will penalize your site for duplicate content.) Also: Plagiarism is illegal!
  • Know your audience. – If your target market is retirement age customers who are looking for the best price on wireless phones and plans, you probably don’t need to include all the hardware specs and software details about each phone in your reviews. Instead, you might want to talk about the durability of the phone, hearing aid compatibility, and the size of screen and/or keys as well as battery life.
  • If you don’t like to write, you may be able to hire a local college author to write awesome reviews at an affordable price. Here’s one of the best affiliate marketing tips: Talk to your local college Career Services department and ask if they have any students they would recommend for the type of writing you need.

In Conclusion

There are lots of Affiliate Marketing Tips and Affiliate Marketing Courses available online. Some are free while others can cost hundreds of dollars. There is no get-rich-quick affiliate marketing guide that will let you bypass putting in hard work or spending money to create great content. If you find one it’s probably either a scam or it’s violating rules set by Google and other search engines.

If you want to build a longlasting profitable affiliate business, you need to put in the work.

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Free Marketing Course for Affiliates: An Advanced Guide

