Cloudera – CDH, Apache Hadoop, and the Internet of Things

Cloudera - Ask Bigger QuestionsCloudera CDH – Hybrid Open Source Software to integrate Apache Hadoop with proprietary solutions that gives you efficient Big Data management and advanced machine learning capability.

Who is Cloudera?

Founded in 2008, Cloudera is a software development company that creates big data analytics and machine learning solutions based on Apache Hadoop. Primarily, using a Hybrid Open Source Software model, the company serves large-scale deployments of Cloudera Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH). As a part of furthering technology development they support the non-profit Apache Software Foundation. Companies such as Dell, Intel, and Oracle all collaborate with Cloudera on a regular basis. In addition, Cloudera works alongside Udacity to bring Hadoop education to developers via a Massively Open Online Course (MOOC).

Hybrid Open Source Software

A Hybrid Open Source Software model brings together the best of open-source development initiatives and corporately sponsored programming. Usually this enables a company such as Cloudera to take advantage of open-source innovations while protecting their proprietary software investments. Besides that, FOSS research can continue using the resources of a growing business like Cloudera. Additionally, the Internet of Things continues to grow and need varied solutions. The model of HOSS will be a big part of that progress.

Cloudera CDH – Apache Hadoop for Big Data and Machine Learning

Cloudera Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH) is an industrial software system with a centralized platform. While the main components of Apache Hadoop make up part of CDH, Cloudera’s team has also merged this with their own software. Because of this, CDH facilitates consistent Big Data processing and machine learning. Cloudera offers CDH as a free download from their website; however, there is no technical support or access to Cloudera Manager without a subscription.

Cloudera Enterprise Extensions

Several additional solutions are available to Cloudera Enterprise customers:

  • Encryption At-Rest – Data stored in a persistent storage format is referred to as Data At-Rest. Cloudera offers multiple options for managing encryption of this data through their Cloudera Enterprise platform.
  • Database Drivers – Hive and Impala drivers enable enterprise end-user access to Hadoop data. In addition, the Oracle Instant Client parcel for Hue enables quick and easy deployment of Hue through Cloudera Manager using an Oracle database.
  • Data Transfer Connectors – Sqoop Connectors integrate with existing architecture to transfer data between Apache Hadoop systems and external databases or Enterprise Data Warehouses.

Best Cellular is proud to be able to provide mobile data plans for developers & companies using Cloudera.

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Cloudera – CDH, Apache Hadoop, and the Internet of Things

