New (LOWER COST) International Long Distance rates from Best Cellular

New (Lower Cost) International Long Distance Rates!Less than 2 weeks after the news about the Acquisition of Best Cellular by a locally owned Colorado company, another huge improvement has been made for prepaid wireless customers who call friends and family in countries outside the United States.

Best Cellular announced today that International Long Distance rates have been reduced to almost every country worldwide!  The screenshot to the left shows a few of the updated rates.

With these new discounted International Long Distance rates, a user in America could call Mexico City and talk for over 24 hours straight for less than $5.00 USD!

Best Cellular also does not put an expiration date on International Long Distance minutes like many companies do.  This means a customer does not have to put a cash card on their phone every month and they can keep their ILD minutes until they use them up!  If a user puts a $5 cash card on their account and only talks an hour per month, that $5 would last them just over 2 years calling Mexico City!

How are these International Long Distance discounts possible?

Best Cellular uses an automated LCR ILD solution to route International Calls to the lowest price provider.  This system is called, “Automated Least Cost Routing”, or LCR for short.  LCR is a process used to select the least expensive telephone company when connecting a call.  Standard Least Cost Routing is based on the Call-by-Call function, allowing users to select the desired telephone company by dialing specific access codes but the “Automated Least Cost Routing” system used by Best Cellular is intended to eliminate the cumbersome manual selection of the least expensive provider.

Why is Best Cellular ILD Important for you?

Many prepaid companies make huge profits by making customers pay for long distance service every month (even if they only talk for 1 minute) but with Best Cellular, you only have to pay one time and your money remains in your account until you decide to use it up!

Can I use these ILD minutes on another phone?

Yes!  Best Cellular customers are able to add up to (3) additional ILD numbers on their account that can share the International Long Distance (ILD) service!  This allows you to call friends and relatives all around the world directly from your cell phone, office, home phone or any other location at very low rates.


Tell your friends, family or coworkers who call to countries outside the USA & be sure to share this post!  It could save them a lot of money!

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New (LOWER COST) International Long Distance rates from Best Cellular

