Start a Cellular Store – Part 8 (Customer Loyalty & Customer Retention)

Even before they start a cellular store, most wireless retailers understand the necessity of building customer loyalty, but there are always things we can do to improve customer loyalty and customer retention.

Up-sells for Accessories

A customer is most likely to purchase add-ons for their new cellphone at the time when they buy the new phone. It is important to keep some cases, car chargers, screen protectors, signal boost antennas, etc. in stock for your customer to grab. Your employees should be trained not to look at add-ons as a way for them to make more money, but as a way to help the customer’s investment.

A case and a screen protector can save a customer the cost of a new phone if they drop it when they walk out of the store. It also makes them happier with your store, because you helped them customize their own phone; the way they like it.

When a customer is showing a friend their cool new phone that they just purchased, they’re more likely to send a referral to you, if you helped them get a great colored case that they love and protects the screen!

When selling accessories, we suggest offering a discount on a screen protector if the customer purchases it with their new phone.

Sales, Specials & Discounts

Offering sales, Holiday specials and discounts for add-ons can be a great way to increase up-sells. However, it can also get you into trouble if you’re not careful. Trying to price match with a big-box retailer who sells a lower-quality device for less than your wholesale cost, can end up losing you a lot of money, quick.

You don’t need to be the cheapest company in the world if you provide quality products, great customer service, and incredible support. You need to offer reasonable prices and build a loyal customer base that loves you like family. (More about that in the next article.)

When you start a cellular store, we definitely recommend doing advertising to promote your store and offering specials like Free Activation, Free Port, and Free Configuration to pull customers from existing retailers.

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Start a Cellular Store – Part 8 (Customer Loyalty & Customer Retention)

