Ting or Best Cellular™, What’s The Best Plan For Seniors?

Customers looking for a lower price phone bill often end up comparing Best Cellular to Ting. If you don’t have the time to research all the details and explore every fee and penalty, we’ve created a quick comparison below to help you decide. Feel free to check our work before making a decision. Although we aren’t comparing every possible plan from each company, we have included some of our lower usage plans since ting is focused on attracting very low usage customers.

Ting Plans Are Not For High Usage Customers

Below are a couple of screenshots from the ting website warning customers not to use too many minutes or text messages.


Best Cellular and ting are both focused on helping customers save money on their monthly phone bills but each company has quite a different approach. Ting has figured out that high usage customers are not profitable and they turn these customers away right up front. Best Cellular offers multiple pricing plans to give the majority of customers in America the best prices with more flexibility.

On their lowest possible rate for talk, text and mobile data, ting includes 100 minutes, 100 text messages and 100MB mobile data for $15 per month. When compared to the $15 Best Cellular plan, ting offers only 1/5th the number of minutes for the same price.

What About Ting Plans For Customers Who Don’t Use Any Text Or Data?

Although Ting does offer plans where you can select 0 minutes of talk, 0 text messages and 0MB of mobile data, the customer is automatically billed for the next highest plan as soon as there is any usage. This means that a customer who signs up for 0 minutes of talk with no text messaging and no data could pay only $6 to have a phone number, but there’s a catch… If your phone gets an automatic, over the air update, Ting would bill you for data, (even if you never connected to the internet by choice). You could also choose not to pay for any text messages but when a grandkid sends a text message, your pharmacy sends a reminder about a prescription, or even if someone accidentally sends a single text to you, Ting will be able to bill you for 100 SMS messages (because you used more than the 0 messages included in their plan).

Could I Buy A Data Only Plan From Ting?

Technically, it is possible. The issue is what happens if anyone (even a telemarketer) dials your number? As soon as you use more than 0 minutes, Ting is able to bill you for a full 100 minutes of usage! We all hate unsolicited calls, but imagine how much worse it would be when that telemarketer just caused you an automatic charge! You would be forced to pay for an additional unwanted “feature” on your phone bill.

What Are The Best Alternatives to Ting?

Best Cellular is a great Ting alternative for low usage customers who want to pay a set amount every month. Starting at just $15, we put our customers on the best coverage in their area. That way you’re not limited to just in-town usage, but you can travel without fear of losing a call. An additional benefit is our friendly, American-based customer service. If you’d like to know more, just give us a call!

The Best Phone Plans For Low Usage

As we went over in the example above, almost every person in America uses at least 1MB of mobile data and 1 text message each month. The question for most consumers is whether they want a bare minimum plan with a variable price every month or not. With Ting, you can pay as little as $6 a month (with no usage whatsoever) or if you’re an average user you’d be looking at $36 every month. Best Cellular’s minimum plan is $15/month (includes 500 minutes/100 texts/100MB) or you can select one of our many other plans that fit your needs.

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Ting or Best Cellular™, What’s The Best Plan For Seniors?

