Wonderware – InTouch, Wonderware System Platform, Big Data, and the Industrial Internet of Things

Wonderware – InTouch, the Wonderware System Platform, and managing Big Data and analytics. See how the Industrial Internet of Things can help your business.Wonderware by Schneider Electric

Who is Wonderware?

In 1987 Dennis Morin and Phil Huber formed Wonderware as a company dedicated to assisting factories monitor operations more efficiently through an easy-to-learn user interface (UI). As the first HMI built on the Windows OS, Wonderware grows and evolves alongside Microsoft’s flagship product. A focus on applied data means that companies using Wonderware technology can intelligently improve their processes and see live results. Additionally, the company includes a real-time status dashboard on their website for users and prospectives to see critical service updates and conflict-resolution.

What is Wonderware InTouch?

A Human Machine Interface (HMI) system designed around a UI that is as easy and fun to use as a video game. InTouch already sees widespread usage, currently implemented in a third of manufacturing and industrial plants worldwide. Also scalable and versatile, InTouch enables premium-grade connection and communication within an organization. This leads to more granular control and optimized company operation.

Industrial Internet of Things and the Wonderware System Platform

Wonderware brings 30 years of knowledge and experience to the Industrial Internet of Things. The Wonderware System Platform powered intelligent business networking long before the Internet of Things was conceived. They continue to adapt to the changing demands of modern manufacturing and other industries. In addition, the company’s developers pride themselves on a “Closed-Loop” approach for increased efficiency:

  • Link your infrastructure through cost-efficient, low-power devices. Besides this, connect and manage widespread data sources via Wonderware.
  • In addition, compile and store Big Data on-site or remotely via the Cloud.
  • Process collected Big Data into useful analytics – give users vital context for practical decision-making.
  • Most importantly, span the gap between gathered intelligence and profitable solutions.

As a provider of mobile data solutions for Internet of Things devices, Best Cellular is also finding new ways to meet the changing needs of industrial M2M applications. See our current IoT/M2M rates or contact us for a custom-built solution.


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Wonderware – InTouch, Wonderware System Platform, Big Data, and the Industrial Internet of Things

