Start a Cellular Store – Part 6 (Employees & Training)

In the last article about how to start a cellular store, we discussed build-out, purchasing store fixtures, display cases, etc..

Hiring and Training Employees for your Wireless Store

When starting a prepaid wireless store, learning to hire quality employees is key to building a successful business with return customers.  A well-groomed, friendly, intelligent and well-mannered employee will keep customers coming back!  On the other hand, a store that has the best prices in town, but a rude or lazy employee working behind the counter, will have a hard time getting repeat business.

As a colleague of mine stated, “Your employees will either be your best asset or your worst liability.”  A good employee will bring in additional business and create lifelong friends of their customers.  A rude, unkempt person who is unwilling to provide service with a smile, is no better than an automated kiosk.  In this tech heavy world, people still want a friendly face with which to do business.

When training an employee – they may make costly mistakes. (Especially if you find yourself too busy to help get them ready to handle all the various problems that occur.)  If you treat them in a manner that you would want to be treated, you’ll earn their respect, and find they are more diligent to not make mistakes like that again.  On the other hand, if you scream at them and fire them – after you’ve already ‘invested’ that piece of learning ‘education’ in that employee- you’ll be gambling the same odds with the next employee, rather than expecting the first to learn from their error. (Why would you fire them and start at zero with a new person?)  Relationships are everything.  If you truly invest in a person and let the person know you consider him/her a part of your team (rather than just a tool), you will benefit long term. You will be securing the positive, trusting work environment your employees and business need to be successful.

Honesty and Integrity

Having an honest employee, who is genuinely looking out for the customers’ best interest, is always better in the long run for your business, than a slippery salesman who can close any deal. “Integrity is what you do – who you are – when no one else is watching.” An employee, with strong integrity, knows what they can handle on their own and when to ask for assistance. They understand their position and accomplish their tasks to the best of their ability.  Passing along the correct knowledge and help of services and devices to the customers is of huge importance in keeping happy and loyal customers. Employees with great honesty and integrity will achieve the level of customer service in your store for which you strive and keep your business running as smoothly as possible.

People Skills

If you find an employee who is sharp, professional, and honest, but who may be slightly lacking in the ‘people skills department,’ there are some great books that can help turn them into a ‘pro.’  Every member of the Boss Cellular team has read the book, How to Win Friends & Influence People, at least once.  I find that I need to re-read it at least every couple of years.

“It’s prudent to spend less time trying to figure out who is right – and more time trying to figure out what is right.”   This is a good reminder to help your employees learn to handle difficult customers.

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Start a Cellular Store – Part 6 (Employees & Training)

