Start a Cellular Store – Part 7 (Marketing & Advertising)

In part 6 of our discussion on how to start a cellular store, we discussed the hiring and training of new employees.  In this section, we will discuss marketing & advertising resources to drive traffic to your new prepaid wireless business.

Prepaid Wireless Store Marketing & Advertising Tips

In the old days, there were a few forms of advertising that every business used.  These marketing & advertising resources were basically limited to:

  • Print media (including the phone book, newspaper and direct-mail ads)
  • Billboards
  • Radio and TV advertising
  • Door to door sales
  • Word of mouth advertising


Social Media

Listing in official dealer directory for Boss Cellular dealers


Partnering with other stores/retailers


Referrals from the official dealer site

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Start a Cellular Store – Part 7 (Marketing & Advertising)

