White Label MVNO Vs. Premium Retailers – Prepaid Wireless Dealers

This article will discuss the options/benefits of becoming a prepaid wireless dealer vs. using our custom prepaid wireless dealer API to “white label” our service as a white label MVNO. Either of these can be a great way to start generating residual income for your company!

Below we have listed some thoughts on both options: White label MVNO vs. Premium Retailers/ Prepaid Wireless Dealers

1.) Use our custom dealer API to create a White Label MVNO

  • Make 15% residual commission on all activations and replenishments when you activate a phone number.
  • As a white label dealer, you make the same commission percentages and sell exactly the same rate plans as the MVNO whose service you’re selling. Companies who have a significant advertising budget can strengthen their own personal brand.
  • If you have developers familiar with using an application programming interface (API), our system allows you to create your own “white label” MVNO. This avoids the typical $5,000+ fees that you would pay to sell an MVNO’s service white labeled as your own brand.
  • A skilled developer can use our API to create a mirror of the services on our website on your own URL.

2.) Become a Best Cellular Premium Retailer / Prepaid Wireless Dealer

  • Make 15% residual commission on all activations and replenishments when you activate a phone number.
  • Dealers may find more benefits to becoming a Premium Retailer. The advertising and search engine optimization (SEO) done by BestCellular.com will affect them as well!
  • As a Best Cellular Premium Retailer, customers will see you when searching the internet. Terms like “the best cellular service in ____ area” will take them to your landing page under our dealers section.
  • Customers searching BestCellular.com can find your business. We will promote you in the sections you choose (at no charge to the dealer).
  • We send customers to Best Cellular Premium Retailers to pay their phone bill if they are near your store. With a white label service, you are basically competing for traffic under your own brand name (against the company whose service you’re selling).
  • Best Cellular Premium Retailers who offer services such as Bill Pay, Computer Repair, Phone Repairs, Phone Purchases, etc. gain exposure and traffic from the free advertising on our website.
  • We provide access to rate plan fliers, port request forms, graphics, etc. whereas white label dealers typically have to create their own or hire someone to.
  • Your customers can call our customer support line, access chat or email support, or file COP’s (Carrier Operations Support) tickets from their own Best Cellular account. We handle these for you at no charge. (White label dealers need to offer their own customer support). Using our free customer service removes the workload for you as a middleman who has to relay information if there are any problems with a customer account, reducing wait-times for resolutions.
  • Best Cellular Premium Retailers also receive special discounts and volume pricing from third-party companies such as Signazon.com, VistaPrint.com, Premier Wireless point of sale systems, etc.

We think you’ll see the benefit in adding either one of these services to your customer offerings and we’re excited to help you get started!

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have!

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White Label MVNO Vs. Premium Retailers – Prepaid Wireless Dealers

