RTI – Rural Telecom Inc.
Porting is unsupported by RTI according to the rep we spoke to on 08/30/17.
Porting is unsupported by RTI according to the rep we spoke to on 08/30/17.
Port out requires Account number and PIN. Call Randolph Wireless customer service to verify account ownership and they will provide account info for porting.
All PrepaYd Wireless MDNs have either been ported out or deactivated after PrepaYd Wireless went out of business.
All PlatinumTel Mobile MDNs have either been ported out or deactivated after PlatinumTel Mobile went out of business.
We’re told that customers must speak with Tempo Wireless customer service to obtain your Tempo Wireless account info but this has proven to be extremely difficult. See notes.
KMTel has a porting agreement with CDMA carriers. You need to verify your account number and address information before submitting port request to your mobile carrier.
Porting out requires calling in to Customer service with Social Security Number to get your account number.
Earthlink Business customer service rep was unwilling to provide porting instructions or comment on any service that the company does (or does not) offer.