Your Smartphone Can Do More

In addition to basic calls and texts, many of us use our cell phones for productivity. They can organize your calendar, keep track of notes, and remind you of important tasks. But there are many other functions and capabilities for your smartphone. Below are just a few of the useful features of these amazing little pocket computers. Smartphone Sensor Tools

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Best Cellular Service in Eckerty, IN 47116

The unincorporated community of Eckerty, in Crawford County, is a cozy town offering family value to those who reside and visit. Johnson Township, Eckerty, IN received its name from its founder Mr. Christopher Eckerty in 1873. Being such a small community, your friends at Best Cellular understand that you need the best cell service available to get ahold of friends

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How To Activate New Phones

Welcome to the online phone activation portal. We are happy that you have chosen Best Cellular! We get emails daily with people asking, “How do I activate my phone?” This article will show you how to activate a phone on Best Cellular, whether you bought a new one or brought your own. How to Activate a Phone Learn how to

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How do MVNOs view the Sprint/T-Mobile Merger?

We were proud to have Conor Winters from The Capitol Forum recently interview M. Curtis McCoy, the CEO of Best Cellular. These are the questions and Mr. McCoy’s responses from the interview. Many MVNOs are curious about what the Sprint/T-Mobile Merger will entail, and how it will affect the prepaid wireless industry. Mr. McCoy draws from his experience and technical knowledge

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