Carriers / MVNO Info


Solavei account number is the 10-digit phone number. Solavei doesn’t use passcodes. If your new provider requests a password, use your zip code. When submitting your port request with your new provider you must include your billing address and that address must have the correct billing zip code assigned to your Solavei account. Call to verify before starting port.

Account Info / Porting Instructions »

Nex-Tech Wireless

In order to Port out, a customer needs their Account number, Password/PIN, ZIP code, and last four digits of Social Security Number. Account number is on paper bill, or can be obtained by calling customer service. PIN is setup and stored by customer, but if forgotten, can be obtained by calling customer service.

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Ready Mobile

To port or transfer your number away from Ready Mobile, you will need your account number and PIN. The Ready Mobile online portal will display your account number but you will have to call customer service to get your PIN number or password.

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PTel account number is the phone number. The passcode is your 4-digit account PIN which can be found by logging in to My Account on and clicking Account Details. or by calling PTel.

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