SRT Communications
SRT Communications no longer accepts Port-ins. Current customer’s need to contact SRT Communications as not to lose their mobile number before the end of 2017. SEE NOTES
SRT Communications no longer accepts Port-ins. Current customer’s need to contact SRT Communications as not to lose their mobile number before the end of 2017. SEE NOTES
Roam Mobility only supports outgoing ports. Customer’s are given their PIN number when account is created. If you forget your account PIN contact Roam Mobility customer care team, by submitting a ticket on their website. When submitting help ticket be sure to include the 19-digit SIM ID number or your Roam Mobility phone number. When porting out companies may ask for an account number, when asked, use your Roam Mobility phone number.
Call Straight Talk and ask them to release your number for porting. Straight Talk account # is NOT the Phone Number. It is the MEID or IMEI serial number of the phone (this can be found on the back of the phone itself – under the battery, so remove the battery!) Or, if your are using a BYOP SIM Card, it will be the last 15-digits of your SIM Card number. You can also view the account number in the My Account section of the Straight Talk website by clicking Add (or Edit) Nickname. – Passcode can be found on your online Straight Talk My Account page by clicking Update Personal Profile where it’s listed as Current Security PIN. If That field is blank, be sure to set up a passcode PIN before porting. (VERY IMPORTANT).
When calling Rock Wireless customer service for porting information, the first customer service phone rings with no answering machine. The second customer service number service answers with a message saying, “Hello, you have reached Star Telecom. If you’re receiving this message your number has been temporarily disconnected. Please feel free to give us a call at 1-701-854-7098 or leave a message after the tone.”
Port-ins can only be done for a number with a local area code. According to a STRATA Networks rep on 08/02/17, a Port out to another carrier requires confirmation from the other carrier whether the number is “Port-able” or not before initiating the process. Account details can be verified by calling STRATA Wireless customer service.
To port out of ROK Mobile, you will need to call customer service to obtain your account number & password. We also recommend verifying the address you have on file and use that EXACT address when porting into the new carrier.
SafeLink Wireless account number is the phone’s serial number, IMEI or MEID. There is no passcode. Call to verify before starting port.
Scratch Wireless does not support Porting at this time.
Selectel Wireless account # is an 8-digit number, labeled “Account”. This will be displayed on your online account page after you log in. The passcode is your 4-digit PIN if you set one up. Call to verify.